Many come to church for the presence of the God
But a few come to church with the presence of the God
The presence of God doesn’t rest upon the service or worship; rather it rests on the shoulders of men & women of God. Consider this, Jesus is not gonna reveal Himself to every single one of us and tell us to believe in Him, or trust in Him. It is through Christ in us, which reflects the presence of God to the people around us. Our friends is gonna see the Christ living in us! We are the bearers and the witnesses of God's presence & hope for world.
Many Christians, as the move to a new location, their concerns are always to look for a good and suitable church for them. But the most who are seeking define “a church that is suitable for them” by the power of the sermons, or how great is the worship session is. Sometimes it is defined by the magnitude of the church; others define it through the spiritual family of the church. However, all churches are actually the same. The pastors preached from the same book (in case you don’t know, it is the bible) & the people still serve the same God. But it is the spiritual family & the capacity to grow spiritually that make someone remain in one church from another. Some fail to realize such importance, thinking that, being in church weekly is sufficient to safeguard their relationship with God & has fulfilled the true meaning of being in the church.
When the church assembled together, something great will happen for God. The presence of God will be magnified as we are soaked in the spirit of God together. As the church fellowships, we are able to edify, equip and build each other, keeping each other from straying away from the path God intended you to be.