My flesh & heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bring Him glory!

Isa49:3 He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor."

The Message version says “He said to me, "You're my dear servant, Israel, through whom I'll shine."”

The NLT version says “He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, and you will bring me glory.””

God says His servants will display His glory. Through us, His name is adorned!

It got me thinking – How do we reflect His glory? How do we live our life in such a way that His name is lifted high?

It makes me look back to my parents. What are the things/life-events that will put a smile on their face? That they will be so pleased?

I can think of a few…

I know they will be very happy to see their children grown up healthily, living in a good life condition, successful in their career, find their life partner and start to build their own family. More than that, parents will be blessed and thankful when their children grown up with heart & attitude of thanksgiving towards them – for all the sacrifices and time labored to raise their children. In their heart, I can just sense the thanksgiving prayer “Thank God for such a blessed child. Thanks for building this child up to have Your character living actively deep within him.”

I know this will make them proud. This will make them shine. It will definitely bring glory to the family.

Likewise, our Father in heaven will be pleased if He sees His children live a life that glorify His name – life that is constantly pursuing His purpose & will. As we faithfully serve Him, submit and obey the things He has wished in our lives, and trustfully walk in the road that He prepared for us, His love is truly manifested to everyone, His nature and His character is made clear for everyone to experience, and His purpose is to rebuild the relationship that was once lost will be fulfilled.

I believe once we reach the finish line, once we return heaven, He will be standing there – arms wide open, excitedly embrace us with a warm hug and said “Son, welcome home! You’ve make me proud! You’ve bring glory to my name!”

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