My flesh & heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Vision best defined by Bill Hybels is “a picture of a future that produces passion.”

Something that energises you, something that makes your pulse rate raising, something that compels you to do something to make it to reality!

As for my vision:-

1. A medical centre established by a group of like-minded doctors who share the desire to see the community impacted as they come to the centre. It will definitely be more than just physical healing but more of soul healing – people finding hope, passion, purpose that change their lives. It can be a platform for students to come and learn and at the same time, find there are more to life than just studies.

2. It is to see people around me found out more reasons to life than just their usual, mundane life. To see people started believing God for more; start stepping out of their comfort zone; trusting Him that whatever happens, He is always in total control; to see God come through in their life struggles and to believe that they can do far greater as they have God as their ultimate partner!

Just pray that my 2008 will be a journey of vision-realisation with great like-minded friends I have and to have in future. I can’t stop believing that we can do far above our expectation and abilities with God with us. Pray that His spirit will be with me throughout my journey. It’s gonna be an exciting 2008!!!


1 comment:

cze said...

im here in russia. freezing cold. contacts..., can msn msg me. im also in facebook. great to have re-contacted!