My flesh & heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Are you carrying it?

Luke14:27 Anyone who does not carry his cross & follow me cannot be my disciple

A verse that is not foreign to me, but sometimes, I do take it lightly. Back in 2000 years ago, where the people in Jerusalem lived under the Roman’s empire were following Jesus’ teachings.

The Roman’s soldiers will go around asking the people this question “Is Caesar Lord?” & the people will respond “Yes, Caesar is Lord!” But for those disciples who were living as disciples of Christ, they will respond “No, Jesus is Lord!” Those who didn’t claim “Caesar is Lord” will be put to death. Or they will be arrested and used as bait for the shows among thousands of people in Coliseum. There’s where Romans10:9-10 came about, where you confess with your mouth & believe in your heart, you are saved.

Like I said earlier, many of us take salvation for granted sometimes. Not that we deliberately do that, but somehow, we just got carried away. I am guilty of that. For those disciples back in 2000 years ago, they really counted the cost & take up their cross when they say they are following Jesus.

How bout us today? Will our Christian life be only half built & then abandoned because you didn’t count the cost of commitment to Jesus? When Jesus said “Follow me”, it was not merely just words, but also in action!

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